Adair White-Johnson ‘86, Ph.D. Highlighted By Shoutout Atlanta

By | January 8, 2021

Psychology alum Adair White-Johnson ‘86, PhD was recently highlighted by Shoutout Atlanta, an online media platform focused on connecting its readers with brilliant, thoughtful entrepreneurs and creatives. White-Johnson was interviewed by the media outlet about the most important lessons her business and career have taught her.

Also on the horizon for White-Johnson is her new course titled, “Let’s Get Published!” which debuts on Feb. 1 from her website,, where she aims to motivate, inspire and empower individuals to move towards positive change, become resilient and to bounce back after hitting rock bottom. White-Johnson specializes in helping women and teens build their confidence levels to become equipped and empowered to pursue their passion, and to persevere in their purpose. She received the alumni association’s top honor, the Distinguished Alumni Award in 2018 and currently serves on the National Alumni Board of Governors.