Winter Festival and Tree Lighting Brighten Campus for the Holidays

By | December 6, 2019

Daemen College officially kicked off the holiday season at its fifth annual Winter Festival and Tree Lighting held on campus on Dec. 6.

The lighting of a large pine tree standing prominently outside of the college’s Wick Campus Center was done by Dr. Greg Nayor, vice president for strategic initiatives.

“This festive event is a special way for our students, faculty, and staff of all faiths to come together to celebrate the holiday season as our semester draws to a close,” said Nayor.

The Winter Festival featured various holiday activities, including horse-drawn carriage rides, ornament making, a gingerbread house decorating contest, snow globe pictures, letters to Santa, selfies with Willie the Wildcat, and a chance to ride a mechanical reindeer. Daemen ornaments were also handed out to the first 200 students in attendance at the event, which was hosted by the Office of Student Affairs.