Reashor Appointed Director of Institutional Communications

By | September 17, 2024

Juliette ReashorUniversity officials announced on Tuesday that Juliette Reashor has been appointed Director of Institutional Communications and will begin her new position on Monday, September 30. She will play a key role in the division of Enrollment Management and Marketing as well as in the university at large serving as chief crisis communication officer.

A graduate of the University of Delaware, Juliette has extensive experience as a communications professional. Over the last two decades she’s held strategic communications positions at Mattel, Fisher Price, JP Morgan Chase, and Perry’s Ice Cream.

She has extensive expertise in public relations, crisis communications, relationship management, and digital engagement. At Mattel, she garnered over 1 billion media impressions for Mattel brands.

“We are delighted to have Juliette join the Daemen family,” said Dr. Mimi Steadman, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing. “She will bring much experience and expertise to this crucial institutional position.”