Daemen College will hold two undergraduate on campus open houses and a virtual open house in October and November for prospective students and their families to learn about the college’s academic majors, student life, and more.
On campus open houses will be held between 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Oct. 17 and Nov. 7 and the virtual open house has been scheduled from 7 to 8 pm. on Oct. 21. Daemen is one of only a few colleges in Western New York offering in-person open houses this fall, which will be held with social distancing and other safety measures in place for the health and well-being of all guests.
Students participating in an on campus open house will attend academic department presentations, learn about the admissions process, and more. They will also have the opportunity to take a campus tour and meet campus representatives from student life and student services.
The virtual open house will provide students the same information as the on campus events and opportunities to interact with current students and campus representatives. The event will also include a new virtual campus tour and other videos to showcase Daemen and the student experience. During the virtual open house, students may have their questions answered in real time.
To register for a fall open house at Daemen, call 716-839-8225 or visit daemen.edu/openhouse. There is a limit of one guest per student for on campus open houses.