Faculty Showcase Work at Symposium

By | March 4, 2025

Daemen’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) hosted the 2025 Spring Faculty Scholarship Symposium on Thursday, February 27, in the Yurtchuk Student Center Alumni Lounge.Image of four men and three women standing around a Daemen podium against a beige wall.

College of Health, Human Sciences, and Business Behavioral Science faculty members Dr. Vanessa Patrone and Kellie Kotwicki discussed An Interdisciplinary Approach to Reducing the Length of Hospital Stays

College of Arts, Sciences, and Education Natural Sciences faculty members Dr. Sarah Whorley and Dr. Jeffrey Law shared their research on Salty Streams: Observing the Changes to Stream Food Webs Following Winter Road Salt Application. Natural Sciences faculty member Dr. Domenic D’Amore shared his fieldwork experience in How to Build a Dinosaur. English faculty member Dr. Hamish Dalley read excerpts from his paper on Indigenous Language Survival in the Settler-Colonial Novel. 

Scott Bieler College of Health Professions Physical Therapy faculty member Dr. Michael Ross presented findings on Student Outcomes Following an Interprofessional Education Event. 

“This symposium is a wonderful way for us to come together, hear what each other is doing, and learn more about the fascinating research being conducted across the university,” said Dr. Shannon Lupien, Associate Professor of Psychological Sciences and member of the faculty success advisory board. “We look forward to ​this event every year​ to showcase the expertise and talents of our faculty.”