Dispatches Featured in Prada’s Menswear Show in Milan

By | August 27, 2024

Dispatches by Mike ParkerMike Parker, assistant professor of visual and performing Arts, had music from his album, Dispatches, selected for use in the Prada’s Menswear Spring/Summer 2025 Fashion Show in Milan. Parker’s music appears on Prada’s archived video of the show at the 3:30 minute marker. Parker was recently interviewed about Dispatches in MusicRadar. Dispatches, originally released in 2001, was remastered and re-released on Vinyl 3xLP format in April 2024 by Field Records, Berlin. A multimedia artist, Parker also designs the cover art for his music.

“Known for his international creative work, Mike Parker is best recognized on campus for the black artist’s apron he wears while working closely with students, inspiring them through his dedication and the broad reach of the Visual and Performing Arts department,” said Heather Stassen, dean of the College of Arts, Sciences and Education.