Animation Students Win National and International Awards

By | August 13, 2024
Drawing of a child playing hopscotch with another child they had drawn

Telly Gold award winner “Sketch” by Taylor Huntsberger

Daemen Animation students won an impressive  ten awards at the May 2024 Telly Awards
which celebrate work in the video medium. Industry leaders serve as judges and they awarded  Daemen’s  Caitlin Cummings, Taylor Huntsberger, and Julia Ruch with Gold.  Simone Collini, Marielena Cruz, Nick Galluzzo, Eden Lawton, Eternity Shorter, and Lexi Szewczyk were awarded Silver.  Victoria Garcia Madera earned a Bronze award.

Mike Jones, associate professor and animation program director, expressed his pride: “I am so excited for our students, who achieved amazing success this year at the Telly Awards. It is a testament to their hard work and to the depth of knowledge the Animation faculty provides to our students.”

Daemen students also excelled at an international film festival. On May 6, 2024, recent Daemen Animation graduates successfully competed among 4200 entries at  WorldFest Houston, an event that has celebrated independent filmmakers for over 50 years. Several students’ work, shown in the Shorts category,  were considered Official Selections. Daemen alum Eternity Shorter won a Platinum Award, while Nicholas Galluzzo and Lexi Szewczyk each won a Gold award. Taylor Huntsberger and Emma Randall won Silver awards. Eden Lawton, Marielena Cruz and Simone Collini were awarded with Bronze.